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Do I love reading?


Since the time I started freelancing in my spare time, I haven’t read a lot of books. I haven’t even ordered a heap of books for a long time. But it’s primarily due to my new-found love for eBooks. I could store as many books as I want on my mobile.

Coming to my reading, I am not a voracious reader, but I read in my free time after work or during idle times. Now, I use up those moments to create content for my clients. But whenever I see books or book-related posts on my TL, I wish I could finish reading up the novel pending for the last two months. 😅

Books still attract me, and yes, that’s like a sacrifice I am making. :P

Although not novels, I still read – a lot of articles. It’s another something that I love to do, reading about new things and knowing how everything works. When I come across something I haven’t heard about, I ask up my assistant – Google, always. ;)

Blank notepad over laptop and coffee cup on office wooden table

And this is what I do nowadays. I am a ghostwriter – working behind the curtains. But there are some publications with my name too. I read 10s of articles, take out the information and put them in a readable format for my clients and his/her readers. Sometimes, I even have to check 20 or 30 articles to gather resources. Yes, for a single piece.

And that’s quite a lot of reading, right? And if it counts in 'reading', I love reading, and I also like my part-time writing adventure.

P.S. Now I read novels only when I am vacationing or travelling. ;)