networking (7)

LinkedIn Profile Tips 1.6 – Ask for Recommendations

Imagine someone asking, “Hey bro, can you remove a stubborn glitch from my website?” And before you reply, a friend exclaims you're a genius in the field. LinkedIn recommendations are the same thing; in the virtual world. Those are social proof: you’re what you claim.

LinkedIn Profile Tips 1.5 – List your Skills and Accomplishments

Many people neglect the LinkedIn Skills and Endorsements section in their profile. And the same goes for Accomplishments. But what you should know is that a LinkedIn profile, when populated with relevant skills and worthy accomplishments, stands out in searches. LinkedIn says that – So,…

LinkedIn Profile Tips 1.4 – Relevant Work experience and Education

LinkedIn Work Experience and Education section are synonymous with the Professional Experience and Educational Qualification column of a resume. But the LinkedIn version is digital and dynamic. You can retouch, refine, revise, rewrite and rearrange as many times as you prefer, without wasting precious sheets.

LinkedIn Profile Tips 1.3 – Comprehensive Profile Summary

Once someone arrives on your LinkedIn profile, you should make sure he/she doesn’t get off dissatisfied. But a vague LinkedIn profile summary can lead to it. The summary should be a window of you; it should be your story. Your profile summary should help people…

LinkedIn Profile Tips 1.2 – Real name and a catchy Headline

A well-crafted headline is another element of your LinkedIn profile to attract prospects, apart from a pleasant profile picture. But before that, pay attention to your name. You have got a nice name, keep it cool (not kewl) … and identifiable. Along with your profile…

LinkedIn Profile Tips 1.1 – An appropriate Profile Picture

Your picture is the first thing that catches someone’s eye when they see your social media profile. And LinkedIn, although a social media website, is used for professional networking. So, make sure your photo looks professional, clear and eye-catching if you’re in here for jobs.

How to use LinkedIn to get jobs? - LinkedIn Tips

I have a sort of OCD when it comes to using LinkedIn. Yes, OCD! Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. If you don’t know, a person with OCD has an uncontrollable urge to do a few things over and over even if not required. He/she doesn’t have any…