canva (4)

5 Graphics Tools to spruce up Social Media posts

“Everyone of us spends most of our time in front of the screen, on social media. It’s a bypass to reach out to a wider audience, no doubt. But there’s a catch! It’s difficult to decide the type of post that can grab people’s attention…

Lunapic – the Free Online Image Editor

“How to make background transparent?” That was the query which led me to stumble upon the Lunapic image editor, last year. Used it to remove the white background from my watermark and removed backgrounds from almost a hundred images since then. But that’s not all…

How to create Featured Images… the Canva way

Even if you don’t use WordPress, you need to add featured images to all your articles and social media. And, by the end of this article, you will learn how to create featured images for your blog posts. If you haven’t felt the need yet,…

The Power of Canva

It was just the other day when I read a blog post on backlinks. No, Canva has nothing to do with content marketing or ranking but is a photo editing and design tool. The post had something about creating infographics for a visual appeal and…