random thoughts (3)

I haven't written for a long time.

I haven't written for a long time. Yes, that's true. I haven't. I haven't been idle, except for the time when I sleep, which I'm quite a lot into these days. I haven't been idle otherwise. I haven't been idle; I haven't been thinking a…

Veg Biryani: In search of lost respect and identity

One Sunday morning, VB woke up with a headache. He hadn’t been sleeping well. It had been only a week at school, and even the thought of spending another day there made him uneasy. It’s not that VB didn’t enjoy his time there. He had…

What I did last summer!

It’s nothing special or anything extraordinary, but I started something which I love. I started writing as a career, and it would be my first job anniversary this July. 😁 I won’t say I made many (or some) good friends, but I met many wonderful…