graphic designing (3)

How Graphic Designing rules the world of Marketing?

Why should marketing and graphic designing be together? Well, books on the shelves, travel brochures, restaurant flyers, social media ads, YouTube videos… how do some attract you and others don’t? Yes, long before you get to read the text, the eyes get fixated to the…

I designed a watermark

The title is pretty self-explanatory and here is how the story goes. I needed something to put on my photo-quotes, something like a watermark or signature. Saw some interesting ones out there – basic but eye capturing. And the hard work started, to make a…

The Power of Canva

It was just the other day when I read a blog post on backlinks. No, Canva has nothing to do with content marketing or ranking but is a photo editing and design tool. The post had something about creating infographics for a visual appeal and…